This was an absolute disaster from start to beginning. Yes, we had to replace a roof because of a huge windstorm. We were told it would be 4 weeks, and they came to tarp the roof for $1400. $2100 if they did it the day before, and $600 the next week. Larceny.
We were told they would call us is a few weeks to pick the colour of shingles. They had difficulty sending the online quote for insurance, but after several emails and phone calls, they managed. After 5 weeks not hearing anything, we called to ask when they would do the roof. They said "any time, we are just waiting on you to pick the shingles colour". What? wait? You said you'd call us to pick. Either way, they came to do the roof within the week.
We asked several times for them to take pictures of the roof damage before redoing it. Despite promises on three occassions (inspection, tarping, then install) we never had any photos taken.
Upon installion, we had not approved a new skylight and asked them to call of a new one was needed because the old one was damaged. They did not call, yet installed the skylight anyways and then wanted to charge us for it.
Lastly, they left the place a mess. I will be taking nails out of my feet for years in my back lawn....and that is after picking up at least 150 nails. Pictures only do part justice.
Not impressed, would NEVER recommend. Poor customer service. Poor workmanship and pride in workplace.