

If only I had heard of this website before I hired Galaxy. You’re going to love doing business with Galaxy Moving if you are looking for: a company whose policy seems to be, “The customer is always wrong”; a company whose employees don't sign their names to emails; charges that are double what was quoted; lots of hidden fees; and last but not least, water damaged furniture and household goods returned not only deeply gouged, but in unusable condition. This company does not invoice for storage so be sure to remit by the 24th of the month or you'll be dinged. When I complained I was rudely told "read your contract" which was laughable since I never received or signed a contract. I believe Galaxy was referring to their email which they titled "Tentative Agreement", where, in small print (not under Terms & Conditions), their late fees were noted, as well as their strange payment practices. They don't take credit cards, you have to pay by e-banking. The final straw was move home day. At the end of the move, on the suggestion of the moving men, I called and spoke to the owner, Brent Davies, who reassured me, "Just take photos of the damaged items and I will submit to claims". I did as requested, however, it turns out Brent had no intention of honouring his word. After submitting quotes for repair/restoration etc., and numerous follow up calls by my insurance agent, Brent told him he wasn’t going to pay for anything, and when my agent said "Well, you'll be getting a call from the insurance company", the response from Brent was "Do what you gotta do". I have been living in a terrible state, unable to unpack a lot due to unusable furniture, awaiting insurance company subrogation, since Galaxy feels it did nothing wrong. Incidentally, not one thing that I packed was damaged, however, nearly everything that Galaxy “packed” was badly damaged, and much of my furniture will have to go off-site to be repaired and refinished, to the tune of $4,000.00 I wouldn't wish Galaxy on my worst enemy.

Approximate cost of services:
Any advice to offer fellow homeowners facing a similar project?
If you still want to use Galaxy, be sure to buy insurance privately.
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Company Response

Hi EJB, Im sorry you had a bad experience. However some of your statements are incorrect, Brent is not the Owner, we have 0 hidden fees, everything is clearly stated on the phone and in our email confirmations. Our payment terms are pretty diverse, we take almost everything, cash, cheque, email transfer, bank wire, or you can come and pay debit card in the office. We also take credit cards but you have to swipe them on our machine. What is your name I will have Customer Care get back to you. You can email us at: