UPDATE - reply to "Company Response":
Sir/Madam, obviously you don't understand what points i'm trying
to get across. Let's see if i can make this clearer.
Yes, i have no problem with the price of the wood and materials
purchased. I have no problem with the work done by the actual
contractor. You say,
>"We receive no benefit from the referral save for the satisfaction
>of our many customers"
This is misleading, BH may not DIRECTLY receive benefit, but
the BH salesman we delt with DOES, using the Brampton
Hardwood name. When a BH salesman comes over to my home,
he is a representative of Brampton Hardwood unless otherwise
stated. There was NO mention of another company and such
was a rep of BH as far as we were concerned. After the install
contract was written up, the BH salesman asked for a $500
deposit to be made out to "LNG Contracting", he did not state
this was his own company. When the install was completed, the
contractor who did the ACTUAL work told me to make the
cheque to another contract company. I asked the contractor,
"Not to LNG Contracting ?", as that was my assumption who was
doing the work. He said, "No, thats the BH salesman company". I
have no problem to pay a deposit to the contractors doing the
actual work ...what it comes down to is the BH salesman is
charging you $500 (for himself) to refer a contractor
(subcontracting) to do the actual work. So, saying "We receive
no benefit from the referral save..." is misleading !
Second, there was not "deceit" by the contractors who did the
actual work, i have no problem with them. The deceit was from
the BH salesman to get the contract (so he can pocket his $500)
by offering us work for free (3 landing stairs which never
happened) ...we wanted a quote including the stairs. He kept
telling us the stairs we're included even though i asked him more
than once ...sorry, but i only know one definition of stairs. The
other quote was for the railing and pickets ONLY, it was then,
after the floor work was half done that now the stairs are a
separate cost. The 2 stars are for the good price but you lost 8
because of unethical practice by your BH salesman.
We purchased flooring to cover approx 1200 sq ft in our home
from Brampton Hardwood. We also ended up getting the floor
installed through Brampton Hardwood, though we found out,
that's not really the case. The 2 stars is only for the good buy of
the hardwood. Yes, if you're going to install yourself and/or have
your own contractor, i do recommend to check out Brampton
Hardwood for pricing. The first negative we ran into is that if you
have BH deliver, make sure you count the boxes! I wasn't home
and the trusting person at home accepted the boxes. It wasn't
until i got home and counted that i noticed there were 4 boxes
short. BH didn't acknowledge the shortage and they weren't
going to tell us either. When i phoned to say i was 4 boxes short,
the response from our BH salesman was, "i'll have to check the
camera in the warehouse and get back to you". i finally got a call
back from a lady and finally did get those 4 boxes.
Next, we were looking for an installer, the BH saleman came over
and presented us with a great deal...so we thought. The install
quote we were looking for was for the whole house, 1st floor, 2nd
floor and the stairs. He told us that a different guy would be doing
the stairs separate from the flooring. Oh, and we have a 3 stair
landing towards the basement, he said, "because you're such a
nice family i'll do that for free" ...right ...never happened!!, a
salesman is always a saleman, their word means nothing. So,
when writing out the contract it was stated to install on first and
2nd floor. i asked does this include the stairs, he said "yes
...everything", the quoted labour price to install 1200 sq ft and
stairs was $5,300. We thought this was an excellent price ...too
good actually...so at another point i asked again if "1st and 2nd
floor" include the the stairs, he said, "yes yes ...everything" ...it
was like i was annoying him with my constant asking. It was
understood from the invoice that the 3 stair landing would be for
free and the 1st and 2nd floors done, which included the stairs. It
was understood what was not included was the railing and the
It was when he came over, brought the stairs guy and sample
balusters that now NO stairs was included in the price!! My wife
and i were both upset, naturally, as she heard what i heard
re: stairs included. Now he was giving us another quote of
~$6,500 to do the stairs. We couldn't wait for him to get out!
It became clear the BH salesman deceit was for his own gain.
You see, when we paid the balance to the installer, it was a
different company than the $500 deposit. I was informed at that
point that the $500 deposit went to the BH salesman's own
contract company, nothing to do with BH, then the BH salesman
sub contracts someone else to do the actual job, which you have
to pay on top of. So of course he wanted us to go through him to
have the floors installed and pocket $500. If I was running BH i
wouldn't allow such a practice!