

We hired StoneWest to frame and drywall our basement after moving into the area based on a favorable quote compared to others and based on several people recommending them. This is another case of "you get what you pay for" and that the cheapest quote isn't always the best. The apprentices were left unsupervised over a number of days and OMG what a mess that was. The largest and most infuriating issue was having to rip out approx 1/4 of the drywall work done after tracing electrical problems to find out that when they had put up the walls they buried the ends the plug ends and had ended up slicing the wires so badly that we couldn't form a connection with the wire there. Or how about framing the pull cords to blinds so they have to be cut in order to use. I really wish I had taken pictures at the time. Those same workers dragged out the project by arriving late/leaving early and taking extended lunches simply because they were lazy and not wanting to go to other projects (both Tim and Jorden were on vacation at the same time). Several simple items discussed during the project just didn't get done such as marking pipes for cutouts. There are also a large number of screws popping out of the drywall which look ridiculous. While I'm sure I could have called Tim back to discuss the errors found after the project was done, it just wasn't worth the hassle based on the quality of the job done. I would not recommend this company regardless of how nice Tim/Jorden are.

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