CAN THIS DO MINUS NUMBERS? TERRIBLE, please do not use these people. They will take up your time, will not return calls and even needed Alberta New Home Warranty to get involved!
After five years in our house we still notice the problems of leaking runs in the walls, poor air movement due to inept run design, inconsistent heat throughout.
When my house is at 21.5 degrees my bedroom struggles to get above 18. Their idea to fix poor air return flow was to turn the furnace fan speed up to above the manufacturers recommended and to put pieces of card in the air return to try to 'funnel the return'. Had to remove over 16ft of redundant air return at ANHW behest. Air Conditioner was actually hooked up incorrectly and it took one of their Journeymen Techs to notice it in photos taken by a Tech who had been sent out three times despite not being qualified! Just an absolute joke and my next house will have a reputable company do the work. After their year of warranty was up they walked away and washed their hands knowing that they out waited the warranty and left us with an inept HVAC system. Customer Service is horrible and as far as i was told..... the ownership knew about the case but were just thankful to not have to take the walls down and redo it. From the mouth of the home builders Warranty Tech no less!!!
I beg you to not use this company, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!