

This is the worst and the most expansive moving experience I have ever had. I asked for my packages to be picked up on Feb 26th, and the company said yes, and told me they will give me a call a day or two before the pick up date and let me know the exact time for the pick up. But they end up called me on Feb 24th, at 9 p.m. and told me they are going to pick up my packages on Feb 25th. SO, WHAT IS THE POINT TO SET UP THE DATE FOR PICK UP? I have moved from places to places, during all kinds of seasons, I have never have a problem with "the truck is too big cannot get up hill due to the weather, so we need to charge you for long carry fee". NOTHING ABOUT THE LONG CARRY FEE WAS MENTION IN THE E-MAIL, AND THE WORST THING IS THEY DID NOT EVEN SEND ME A CONFORMATION E-MAIL AFTER I PAID FOR MY DEPOSIT. I called the company and told them about this, and they gave me the worst attitude ever. The guy who answered the phone made me feel like I am dumb and cannot even read e-mail correctly. But the thing is I read the e-mail carefully and I am 100% sure that nothing about the long carry fee was mention in the e-mail. And he said the contract do state a long carry fee as a extra fee that might be charged, but I did not see the contract until the day that my packaged got picked up. The company called me/my brother and told him the packages will be dropped off tomorrow morning between 9-11. I Hope they will be here on time, and I will not have any missing boxes or broken stuff. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY, THEY ARE THE WORST MOVING COMPANY EVER. If I can do this again, I would rather pay more and go for a better company.

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