

Feb. 09th 2015 This year Syljack have not passed even once to clean my driveway when I really needed them. Key moments when syljack is needed: First time. In the morning before going to work. Never shows up! guess who has had to clear the driveway to get the car out... Right myself! And the second time. In the afternoon, after 5:00 pm. ...Coming back home. As I noticed they haven't clear my driveway and considering that I have the luxury of a couple of hours wait, I leave the car on the street to give them time to pass by; "poor people they have to be working hard". After a long wait and considering it's almost bed time, here another guess, who is the one who has to go SHOVEL outside ALL PISSED OFF because once again, THEY DIDN"T PASSED WHEN YOU NEED THEM! P.S. Don't waste your time trying to contact them by phone. there is no answer.

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