

This past December 2017, it became very cold all across the country. In my part of the province of Ontario, we had windchills in the -40s. The furnace started having difficulty maintaining a consistent heat. Since it was the holidays, and I already knew I would have trouble getting service as long as the furnace seemed to be working, I just kept adjusting the thermostat to turn the heat back on when it would drop to 67 degrees. Finally, in January, I called Simply Green about the issue. She asked me to check the light on the furnace (it was green) and so she said it was probably an issue with the thermostat. Since they didn't install it, I would have to call another local furnace company to check it, which I did. The local company was here within the hour, checked the furnace and noticed that the pipe that goes outside was covered in ice. He said that the location, although it would meet the safety requirements (barely) was obvious not a good location since it was still very close to the gas line, and it should have been continued out and away from the house. He broke all the ice off the pipe, changed my thermostat for good measure (even though he could find nothing wrong with it to explain why the temperature wasn't being maintained) and made sure that the furnace was working at that time. The next morning, we woke up to the house being 67 degrees again. I went to look at the light in the furnace, like the Simply Green lady told me to do, and now it was flashing red...four flashes, pause, four flashes. The furnace did heat up and the temperature went back to 70 but I was concerned about the red lights. I went down later and they were now flashing twice and pausing. I called Simply Green and she said that she would have someone call me later that night or the next day. That was on Jan. 3rd. No one has called yet. I had to call on Friday night because the tankless water heater showed an error code. She was able to explain how I had to break the ice off the pipe outside, and while we waited, I asked about the red lights. She said that my brand of furnace has red lights and not to worry. I reminded her that it was usually green. She said she would have someone contact me. Still waiting. My frustration has peaked and so I have decided to simply buy my furnace and water heater. Oh wait....I can't. Even though the sales person told me I was in a 7 year payment plan and could pay it off early, the contract says I am in a FIFTEEN year rental and the rumour seems to be that I will have to pay out the rental period!!!! Had anyone told me I was signing a rental agreement for 15 years that would increase by 3.5 % each year, I would never have signed anything. I just want to buy the equipment and have the right to use local repair companies when I have issues or need to get the furnace cleaned. Is that too much to ask? Is this company legit or not? Will they let this very unhappy customer go fairly? January 28, 2018 My saga continues....another service person was sent out, again subcontracted in Thunder Bay by Simply Green as they have no office here. He checked the furnace, replaced a part and then said the pipes that Simply Green installed originally were not up to code and needed to be replaced. He also said that they had GLUED the pipe to the furnace! He was not willing to give them a red tag but said he would contact them to repair the pipes or he would have to turn off my furnace--it is January when this is occurring! So, as well as all the other issues I have had with the installation, I now have to have more holes drilled through my basement wall to have the pipes vented correctly. This will require the installer to cut a hole in my basement ceiling and somehow fix the holes in the other wall. He also saw issues with the way the water heater is hooked up as their piping for the water to it is right over the electrical plug and it is not a GFI plug. The pipes to the outside...same as the furnace! I just want the nightmare to end....

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Over a year and a half ago, I had Simply Green install a new furnace and water heater into my house. I won't go into the story, but it was a chaotic disaster that took quite a bit of emails and calls to get a solution, that involved a threat of fines for improper installation, and a motor that was so noisy that you couldn't sleep. This was all happening in Dec and Jan when temperatures in this area get to below -40 at times! Everything was resolved to my satisfaction, but I knew that I would have trouble trusting them in the future. Jump to today. I called to find out what I had to do to get my furnace cleaned. I am on a rental program and when I signed up, I was told that someone would come out once a year to clean and check the furnace. When I asked about that service today, I was told that I had a warranty program and not a maintenance program and that getting my furnace cleaned and serviced, was NOT PART OF MY RENTAL AGREEMENT. Then the gentleman told me that as long as I changed my filter every TWO YEARS, I would be fine. OK, clearly this guy is an I d I o t--a filter in a furnace for two years would be so filthy as to be useless and hazardous, and anyone who deals with furnaces knows that filters have a MUCH shorter shelf life in a furnace. He also told me that I would have to sign up for a maintenance plan (at an additional cost) to what I am already paying monthly to have the furnace. He then told me to find someone in town to check and clean the furnace. Of course, if anything happens while they do it, it could void the warranty that I have on the furnace!!!

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Company Response

Hello Dskinn, It seems like you got stuck in a worst case scenario. Please make sure to change your air filter every 3 months, and if there are any issues with the equipment please feel free to give us a call ,performance issues , major issues, or if the unit is making odd noises. We're here for you . We don't service the equipment yearly because the cost to do that nationwide is incredibly high, instead we have emergency priority service available so if any issues do arise, we're there incredibly fast.

I'd like to do my best to make you happy, or just satisfied with everything as well as answer any more concerns. Please call me at 1800 764 5138 ext 1 , and ask for Alex. I'd be more then happy to clarify everything else


I was looking for a furnace that came with a payment plan when Simply Green knocked on my door. They offered me exactly what 8 was looking for and installed it quickly. When the furnace encountered an unexpected noise, they sent someone to fix it --over the Christmas holidays. A couple of other glitches became apparent, but they remedied those as well so that I was never without heat or hot water. Everyone I spoke to was friendly and professional. They listened to my concerns and explained everything that was being done or needed to be done and why. One person in particular, Kemsha, was my go to person for questions and answers. If I ever get to meet her, we will have to go out for drinks....we had many great conversations! Overall, they are a new company that is standing behind their products and their work. They should be around a long time if they keep up the good work.

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Company Response

Thank you for your review. We appreciate your business and positive feedback!
- Simply Green Team