

About 3 years ago, we wanted to repaint the interior of our home in Toronto with a view to selling it in the near future. Dawn, from Just Two Creative Women came over and we discussed the project. She requested a retainer of $1,500 and she promised to come back within a couple of weeks with a complete colour scheme and any other suggestions she had for redoing the decor and improving the presentation. The next day, her assitant came and took measurements and pictures.Some 3 weeks later, we had not heard from her so I called her.She kept making excuses as to why she could not come but eventually, after 6 weeks she agreed to come to our home. She presented us with a messy collection of scribbled drawings and paint chips together with pictures of furniture and other fixtures cut out of magazines . It looked so very unprofessional and, so much of her suggestions were not appropriate for just redoing the colour scheme. There was no mandate given for sourcing furniture etc. I was not happy with her work and asked her to have another go as I felt for the amount of money we had given her, she had done a very poor job. She never did return so after many months I contacted her and asked for a partial refund. She said that in fact it was we who owed her money as she had done much more work than our $1,500 warranted. She then threatened us with legal action.We cannot recommend this company at all.

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