

I am writing this review in hopes that I will help prevent at least one family from going trough what we went trough using this company. I have never experienced such a horrible unorganized and rude company as this one. My experience with this company has been terrible from beginning to end. Let's start off with the beginning. First off we schedule a time with the to pick up our stuff from Red Deer Alberta on Friday to move to Cornwall Ontario. They scheduled our pick up for 8pm on a Friday. That Friday we get a call saying pick up has been mov d to Saturday at 8am. We say ok, but it has to be done Saturday because we fly out of the province on Sunday. They say no problem. 8am Saturday comes no pick up, we call and they say oh we meant 8pm. Then 9pm shows up and we get another call, oh our truck is full we have to do it Sunday morning. At this point we are upset but we say ok but early our plane leaves at 2pm. They say yes no problem. They show up at 8am but tell us they brought the wrong truck, so they leave and only show back up at 11am making me almost miss my flight! I the. Write a bad review and we get a phone call bribing us to take it down for a $200 discount. Anyway we stayed with this company because they were cheap and would let us keep our stuff in storage per monthly charge until we find a home in Ontario. While looking for a home we called them every month to ask if they wanted a down payment or a monthly payment and they say oh no, it's ok only when you get delivery we will pay in full. Six months later we call for the delivery and it all goes down hill again. They set a date we get a called the day before saying oh we can deliver that date. At this time we are very annoyed and living in a house with no stuff. So we called and demand a delivery date, not two weeks later like they a re saying. The manger tells us that we shouldn't get upset because they have all our stuff and even tho we payed in full a week earlier her can charge us for whatever charge he can come up with in his head. This is a illegal by the way. So we argue explaining this by the contract we had signed. Finally he agrees to deliver the day after for no extra charge. We thank him and our stuff is delivered and we feel like we can breath again, but that wasn't the case. 7 tots and 2 dinning room chairs were not delivered! In the tots we had movies, gaming systems, small kitchen appliances, kitchen plates, and our wardrobe!! Over $2,000 worth of stuff missing. We call them the day of delivery and follow their protocol for lost itesms. Number one line on the contract states they are responsible for lost iteams. For six months we get the we are looking talk. Then they block our calls and stop returning our emails. Then we find an employ who answers only because we used a different phone and says if we haven't found it we won't. They tell us to send in a list of what is missing exactly and a price. They then email us back saying they found the 2 dinning room chairs so they will continue to look for the tots. But they won't deliver the chairs! One year later and we have not seen our chairs, our tots, or any money and they stop contacting us in general. I hope this story can help someone not go trough what we went thought. We moved provinces and payed movers to move lol our stuff for we wouldn't have to start over again, but we had to start over anyway.

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