

I contacted all BBB listed solar panel installers: Mark from Down-To-Earth Solar Power Inc is definitely down-to-earth! And his company was the only one who actually went up on the roof even BEFORE we had signed any contract to measure and give us several options for a precise layout until we had the one that perfectly fits onto the south and west roof only -- exactly like we wanted it. No other company went onto the roof; just estimates based on Google maps and at least two of them wanted to put panels onto the north roof. The installation was very quick and done within a few days -- long before the inspection and the final connection. Mark greatly helped with all the paperwork so that we basically only had to sign. Our system is up and running well since early December: We have generated over 2 MWh by now. The record day so far was yesterday, March 29, with over 63.5 kWh.

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Thank you very much. Your kind recommendation is important to our future clients.