

Much like Jennifer (Whose review I wish I found earlier) I would like to warn the public away from this place. Leon Sr. has been nothing but combative and elusive in terms of dealing with him. I recently moved from Ontario Canada to Melbourne Australia. Like Jennifer, Leon tried to tack on DOUBLE what was actually being shipped. He tried to claim I was shipping 2.8 containers instead of the 1.2 I actually shipped. Then, when I called him out on it, it took 2 weeks to "remeasure" the shipment, in which time my passport and packing list I had provided was conveniently lost. Despite numerous attempts to provide him with another one over Christmas, he tried to tack another $250 "Holding fee" onto my shipping charges. He then refused to answer further calls and emails for almost 2 months, not letting me know where the shipment was or processing payment until I received an email from another shipper in Australia that my goods were on the way to BRISBANE and that I would have to pay extra freight costs to ship it down to Melbourne. Leon Sr has been unreachable since then and I'm sure will continue to be so in the future. Customers - NEVER deal with this company, they are shady, elusive and will obviously never provide accurate services. Don't trust them with your personal belongings.

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