

I had a pleasure to deal with Mike from Gentry Roofing. Mike is a very professional individual who ensures that customers that deal with him understand every aspect of the job that will be performed on their house. Mike helped us pick out the colour and even gave us different addresses with the specific colour of shingles just so we could see it on the actual roof. The job was delayed by two weeks due to weather but during that time Mike was updating us on when the job will be performed. The Gentry roofing crew was very professional. Started the job on time, cleaned up after each day of work and performed a full sweap of my area and neighbours to ensure that no nails or other debree was left behind. Once the job was done Mike came in went over and verified that nothing was missed and provided me with the appropriate documents. GENTRY ROOFING - JOB WELL DONE. Other roofing companies should be taking lessons from Gentry Roofing on how to talk to the customers and how to perform a proper roofing job. Thank you again. Tomasz

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Company Response

Thank you very much Tomasz for the kind words. It was our pleasure.