LawnSavers Plant Health Care Inc

Lawn Maintenance
Vaughan ON L4K 4K5
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6 reviews Oshawa, ON


We accessed the lawn services of LawnSavers to help restore our front and backyards from large patches of weeds and unhealthy-looking grass. Their services over two years has restored our lawns. It's important to note that their philosophy involves a "partnership" between LawnSavers and the property owners, which makes a lot of sense given that our mutual commitment to have healthy-looking lawns requires the efforts of both parties. The proof of its success is based, in part, on the compliments we receive regarding our good-looking lawns, in addition to the pride we take in having these impressive lawns. In fact, one passerby asked if we had artificial grass! Kudos to LawnSavers ... and us ... to restoring our lawns!

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