Taylor Moving & Storage Ltd

Moving & Storage
Burlington ON L7R 4J4
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2 reviews Toronto, ON

International Move

Horrible Company to deal with. Salesperson made promises that were not kept. Timelines were way off - showing up about two weeks later than promised. As well promised our stuff was to have remained in the same trailer from Canada to Mexico (which was very important to us as we were concerned about theft/breakage when moving between trailers at the Mexico Border). This was not the case. The stuff was repacked at least once into a different trailer.
Grand Piano would have been left at front door of Condo if it had not been for the people that work at our Condo who explained to the movers how to get the piano into the elevator. Had to find my own person to set up the piano despite their assurance that this was taken care of. $4000 table was broken beyond repair, Unirisc (insurance co) wanted to fix it and left it to me to find someone to repair in Mexico. Determined to not be able to be fixed. Insurance company paid $2000 and told us that when we replaced it they would pay the rest. Problem is it is not replaceable in Mexico which the insurance company acknowledged. Their solution, buy it in Canada and have it shipped ourselves (as they would not pay for the shipping or the insurance on it....). About $6000 in other stuff was missing which they will not acknowledge as they don't know where the boxes are and they did not feel that the stuff could have been taken out of other boxes. Taylor did all the packing for this move and as much of these items were bedding, we knew they left our house the day the truck arrived. According to a quote from Arthur Drewry the International Salesman, "it could be the case that they were not even packed and the fact that they are now missing could indicate theft." however they have not taken any ownership for this nor apparently does their insurance company cover this despite the fact that we paid in excess of $3000 for insurance on this move. As an aside, we also did a local move with them at the same time. Might give them a rating of 2 on that one. You could definitely tell they were being paid by the hour based on the number of breaks and the speed with which they moved. Buyer Beware.

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Company Response

We did in fact execute service on this move.
On international moves, we set up all insurance policies directly with the insurance company. The firm we use is UNIRISC.
When we do a move,we do a complete numbered inventory of the items moved including the boxes. This inventory is signed by the client as a complete list of the items moved.
When we delivered the goods,each item off this list was checked off as being received by the client. The $6000.00 in claimed missing bedding was therefore rejected by UNIRISC the insurance company.
The table was damaged,the only item in this shipment to be damaged. UNIRISC paid $2000.00 out right away and asked for a replacement receipt as is policy even though this table was repairable.
I am sure the missing bedding is still in their place here in Ontario.
The only issue with the piano was that our agent in Mexico needed to wait to get two extra people as the customer wanted the piano to go up two flights of stairs.
In the end,this move had only one damaged item out of over 300 pieces shipped and everything that was shipped was received by the client.