Great Canadian Roofing And Siding Ltd

Edmonton AB T6E 0C9
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Private User
0 reviews Edmonton, AB

Exterior roof repair

Our home had shingles rip off during the big Edmonton storm this past week. After going outside and seeing the excessive damage, it was nerve racking knowing how fast we were going to be able to have it fixed. The shingles had lifted up so much that if something wasn’t done soon, any new wind would surely tear even more of it off.

Knowing how bad the storm was and seeing damage throughout our neighbourhood, we knew shingle companies were going to be so busy.

Our shingle repair was done within 48 hours!!! I have never had such a quick response from a trade and we would have been satisfied with hearing back within a week or so. I can’t say enough about what the Great Canadian team did for our family home.

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Company Response

Thank you for sharing your experience and for trusting Great Canadian to complete the repairs to your home! Stay warm this week!

Thank you
Great Canadian.