Insulation Police Ltd

Edmonton AB T5J 3N5
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J in Edmonton
J in Edmonton
1 review Edmonton, AB

adding insulation

Thanks to Greg and his team for a great job. We had the insulation added to the approximate 1200 sq ft attic and cathedral ceiling so that we qualify for the Greener Homes and City of Edmonton rebate programs. The installers also did a very thorough job and found a few unexpected deficiencies that needed fixing and added to the cost, but we were happy they were found. One was even a fire hazard! The added insulation made significant improvements as the original attic insulation done in the 1990s was quite uneven. An area beside the garage need more insulation and so now that adjoining room is warm and cozy instead of being cold all winter. We've certainly noticed the furnace isn't going on as often the last few days now that the house is much better insulated. Definitely would recommend the Insulation Police.

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Company Response

Thank you JR i am happy that your boys room that you were saying was very cold every winter is noticeably warmer.. It was good to hear that he
was wearing shorts the other day in his room, that is awesome..
Thank you

Greg and Crew