Firemen Movers

Moving & Storage
Toronto ON M9W 5C8
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Joanna R.
Joanna R.
19 reviews Toronto, ON

Small move

These were great movers-- and they def. were proof of the good looking firemen stereotype being accurate..

The move went really well and smoothly- a few (labelled boxes) ended up in the wrong place (on the wrong floor) but such is. They also were able to put together some furniture on the spot as they were done earlier than their minimum time window.

The frustration truly was the consultation for the move- the owner WAY overestimated the time and caused me much stress in a stressful time with my property management trying to book a double elevator session. His estimate was 4 hours elevator time but they actually only needed about 45 minutes. He also sent a massive truck that was less than 1/4 full. He added much unneeded stress by overestimating the amount of time and difficulty of what was a simple move.

BUT the movers were great and the move day went smoothly- maybe take the owner's comments with a grain of salt.

I take my reviews seriously as I base my decisions on other peoples. I went back through and decided to add a star on my own accord.

Approximate cost of services:
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Company Response

We are super happy that this move went incredibly well for Joanna! It was me (Lorne Babiuk) who did this estimate back in October and at the time of the estimate the apartment had a lot of items, bins and boxes in it. Joanna did say that she was getting rid of a lot of stuff at that time. She even had hired an organizing company (a good one!) to help her with the job of preparing for her move. As an estimator it's my job to make sure that our clients understand what the worst case scenario would look like if they aren't able to get rid of as much stuff as they hoped for. I had a big concern whether we would be able to get this job completed (with a small elevator window) if the client was unable to scale back what was being moved. Obviously she did a great job of that! In these cases where a clients prepare well for their move they are the ones that benefit the most by paying less in the end. I'm very sorry that Joanna felt stressed about what I was telling her as that certainly was not my intent, nor ever would be, so my apologies there. I was simply trying to make sure that the client would know what the costs and time frame would look like if she was unable to scale back her contents. Congrats on a job well done by you Joanna and we hope you enjoy your new home. Cheers.
Lorne Babiuk (Owner)

Previous versions of this review:

Joanna R.
Joanna R.
19 reviews Toronto, ON

Small move

These were great movers-- and they def. were proof of the good looking firemen stereotype being accurate..

The move went really well and smoothly- a few (labelled boxes) ended up in the wrong place (on the wrong floor) but such is. They also were able to put together some furniture on the spot as they were done earlier than their minimum time window.

The frustration truly was the consultation for the move- the owner WAY overestimated the time and caused me much stress in a stressful time with my property management trying to book a double elevator session. His estimate was 4 hours elevator time but they actually only needed about 45 minutes. He also sent a massive truck that was less than 1/4 full. He added much unneeded stress by overestimating the amount of time and difficulty of what was a simple move.

BUT the movers were great and the move day went smoothly- maybe take the owner's comments with a grain of salt.

Approximate cost of services: