Burl Oak Landscaping

Swimming Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs
Burlington ON L7R 4J4
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Farrukh Warsi from Milton
Farrukh Warsi from Milton
1 review Milton, ON

Backyard Patio

Our patio work was done very nicely in May this year and at a very reasonable price. The craftsmanship was neat and they completed the entire work in two days. They were very professional in their work and went out of their way to ensure neighbor's property remains was not affected while they worked.
I am happy and would certainly recommend them to others

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Company Response

Thank you Farrukh for the great review. It was a pleasure working on your property and i hope you enjoy the patio for many years to come.

Previous versions of this review:

Farrukh Warsi from Milton
Farrukh Warsi from Milton
1 review Milton, ON

Backyard Patio

Our patio work was done nicely in May this year and at a reasonable price. The craftmenship was neat. They cleaned up the premises after work as agreed.
They did leave a small depression that leaves water stagnant. I had reported them soon after but still waiting for them to comeback and fix. I guess I need to chase them harder

Approximate cost of services: