My neighbour and I decided it was time to restore or replace the more than 100-year-old wooden facia and gingerbread moding lining the gable that spans our attached Victorian row houses. Other than having new gingerbread custom designed and cut -- a costly option -- it is not the easiest to source preformed designs that will fit one's needs. Monterrey recommended a supplier and having scrutinized the catalog online and done my own estimated measurements, I figured out a way to combine preformed elements that with minimal adjustments would produce a suitable look. The company then ordered, installed and painted the new gingerbread -- a polymer not wood -- and installed new aluminum facia to our satisfaction. I was less than impressed with Monterrey's contribution to planning the work (I got the impression this was not something they often tackled) but the wqrk itself was done well and efficiently. I also had Monterrey paint my window frames etc to match the new color scheme with my neighbour's. If I'd been having the work done independently -- not as a co-operative undertaking with my neighbour -- I would probably have researched more fully to determine comparative prices etc. However, given that the work involved the use of scaffolding the price for the total job was probably fair. ,