Spark Service Pro

Formerly Fix Appliances Ca
Appliance Repair
Aurora ON L4G 1M5
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Repair in Mississauga  >  Spark Service Pro  >  Microwave would not function
janis c.
janis c.
1 review Toronto, ON

Microwave would not function

24 hours after the call the repairman was on site. The technician found an electrical problem inside the unit. Fortunately he was able to repair it on first visit.

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Company Response

Thank you very much janis c. for the kind review you left about our service and we want to assure you we will strive to maintain and exceed our current customer service for years to come. We are glad that our technician showed high professional standards and helped fixing the issue.

We appreciate your business with us
Fix Appliance Team Ca