They are, by far, the most underhanded and conniving company I have ever dealt with.
Danielle (aka Lee) was very helpful, reassuring, responsive prior to my move. However, once the move was over and my furniture had been damaged, she became difficult, unpleasant, and dismissive. They refused to take responsibility for the damage, despite advising me prior to the move that if there were any damages, their insurance would cover the repairs. I am now forced to cover the costs of the repairs, because I made a poor choice by giving this deplorable company my business.
Please heed my words: if you have ANY other moving company to choose from, it would be in your best interest to do so. It’s not worth the hassle just to save a little money. According to the BBB, they go by a bunch of different names, so please do a quick search and see the insurmountable amount of consistent negative reviews they have received.
Please don’t make the same mistake I did.