Crack Buster Concrete Inc.

Edmonton AB M5R 2E2
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Edmonton  >  Crack Buster Concrete Inc.  >  Leaking Crawl Space
g-jay in Edmonton
g-jay in Edmonton
2 reviews Edmonton, AB

Leaking Crawl Space

We had a drain penetration through our foundation wall in the crawl space that was leaking from around the pipe. It looked like it had been leaking for years when we discovered it. The seal around the pipe had completely eroded. A few plumbers came in and verified that the pipe itself was sound. The leak was definitely from the surrounding hole made for the pipe in the concrete wall.

Eddie came in and promptly examined our problem and gave us a reasonable quote, below the competition, and did not try to up sell us on a single thing. Technicians came in, on time, and finished the job within the time window communicated to us. They were very friendly, kept our home clean with drop sheets and thorough vacuuming. Wore masks inside the home for safety. Would recommend this company to anybody with foundation issues.

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