Sarman Air Inc.

Gas Line Installation
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
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HomeStars  >  Heating & Air Conditioning in Toronto  >  Sarman Air Inc.  >  Replacing the Furnace
Behdad in Toronto
Behdad in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Replacing the Furnace

Very satisfied with their service. Highly recommended.
I recently signed a contract for a new furnace with Sarman. I had very specific requirements for my furnace and John patiently provided several solutions and their associated costs.
I found their offers technically sound and reasonably priced. With his help I managed to select the right solution.
John installed the furnace for us. He completed the job professionally and to the best of our satisfaction. He was punctual, courteous and very safety oriented.
I highly recommend him and it will be repeat business when we change our A/C later.

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Company Response

thanks for your kind review. our customers satisfaction is our first priority.