Sarman Air Inc.

Gas Line Installation
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
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HomeStars  >  Water Filtration & Purification in Toronto  >  Sarman Air Inc.  >  Water Heater Replacement
2 reviews Richmond Hill, ON

Water Heater Replacement

John came by promptly within only a few hours after calling him, he diagnosed the problem with my old water heater and we decided to replace it with a new one.

Again here, John was very prompt and had the job finished within couple of hours. John even fixed a problem we had with the shut off valve to the previous water heater.

Overall so far I'm very happy with Sarman Air, hopefully I won't need to test their labour warranty in the future but all indications are that should I need to John will come through for me.

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Thank you for trusting and choosing Sarman Air as your HVAC partner.