Sarman Air Inc.

Gas Line Installation
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
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Trishna in Old Toronto
Trishna in Old Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Air Con problem magically fixed!!

My unit in DT had issues with heating and cooling of aircon. It used to be incredibly hot sometimes and sometimes freezing cold. I was quite annoyed with this happening on a daily basis. John from Sarman Air Inc however came to my rescue. He meticulously evaluated the entire system, analysed it thoroughly and v correctly identified the cause and magically fixed this problem ..
I was v happy with the service provided. He took care to keep a check for a few days after repair to message me and get the feedback about how was the unit doing and if I had any complaints for him to address.
He was fantastic and reliable.
Thanks a lot for your help, I can sleep peacefully.

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Thank you for Choosing Sarman Air as your HVAC partner. We hope we have gained your trust and satisfaction with our service.