Margaret's Cleaning Services

House & Apartment Cleaning
Oshawa ON L1G 4W4
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JJRealtyLuxuryHomes in Oshawa
JJRealtyLuxuryHomes in Oshawa
3 reviews Oshawa, ON

Cleaning Required After A Renovation

Finished a renovation and needed the entire home to be cleaned, a lot of paint needed to be removed and extra cleaning was required to get the house ready for a sale, Margaret and her team came in with short notice and worked miracles, I was so shocked and amazed how the home looked when they finished, without their cleaning services we would not have been able to sell the property and show its true potential. Thank you from the JJRealty Team, we will be using your service again very soon. I was very satisfied and gave Margaret a tip for her hard work. I wouldn't hesitate to use her again for any future cleaning services.

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Company Response

glad we could help now sell that beautiful house to someone so they can start a new beginning....