BUYER BEWARE! In January (2019), after I initiated contact Al came to my elderly in laws home and they signed a contract with him for Cs Landscapes snow removal services covering the balance of the winter. They gave him $400. My in laws were very happy as Al was very nice, he seemed legitimate and they greatly needed the services he provided. For the first snow fall after their agreement Cs landscaping (Al) appeared later than desired (late in the day) but eventually did come and cleared the drive and walkway. The second snowfall, Al did not come or call. Later in the week there was another snowfall and they did not come or call again. When my in laws were finally able to reach Al by phone he explained that they had issues with staff and equipment (this does not explain the lack of communication). He was apologetic and offered a refund of $350. Now, after many attempts to contact him and promises from him to drop of the money owing, Al has stopped responding all together. BUYER BEWARE!!