Empirical Builds

General Contractors
Brampton ON L6S
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3 reviews Brampton, ON

Basement Potlight installation

Emperical builds was very courteous and professional. They took the time to understand what exactly we were looking to get done and did the project in the most efficient and convenient way possible. We had a family with two babies living in our basement so we needed the job done as quickly as possible with minimal dust. They brought in the appropriate tools that made the job look easy and best of all there was no mess at all. Everything was finished and cleaned same-day. The Potlights are symmetrical and light up the basement like never before. They even patched up some of the holes in our ceiling that had nothing to do with the job. The pricing was very reasonable. I'm really happy with the decision of getting the job done and choosing Emperical Builds to do it.

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Thank you for the kind words! Look forward to working with you in the future!