Set up a HomeStars account on March 24, 2022. At the time it was stated that a desire to keep as much of the original bathroom as possible.
Within and hour I was contacted by a contractor from Corner Gas we spoke about the bathroom repair and set an appointment to get a quote for the next morning between 10-10:30 am. I texted the address as the appointment drew close, no response. I had called before that and again after that saying on the machine our appointment time had past however I was still interested in getting a quote if he'd like to call and reschedule.
I arrived back to my office and looked up Corner Gas on the internet the pictures their were of some really nice bathrooms. Making my repair job that I was thing was worth under $2000.00.
I titled this Think we've been snubbed for two reasons the pictures of completed bathrooms I viewed on the website and a comment made by the contractor while setting up the appointment " I know where it is" referring to the address of property with disappointment in his
Maybe something happen to him on the way here that prevented him from making the appointment or calling. That's understandable however that repair has turned into a complete bathroom renovation and I cannot consider Corner Gas for the job no matter how good the work or quality of the work they may do.