GTA First Call Handyman Services

Handyman Services
Vaughan ON L4L 1A6
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HomeStars  >  Heating & Air Conditioning in Richmond Hill  >  GTA First Call Handyman Services  >  Quality work; friendly service; good value
Joe in Toronto
Joe in Toronto
0 reviews Toronto, ON

Quality work; friendly service; good value

It was a challenging assignment: pull up and relay interlocking stone on the grimy pathway, replace bricks as necessary, to make it all seamless, and then build a new patio extension from that. All while matching old with new stones.
It turned out better than I expected and the job came in on time and on budget.
Some extra value add ins were provided at no extra charge.
I would definitely recommend. Very pleased.

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Company Response

It was a pleasure to do the work for you and your family. The extra add-ins are easy to do for kind people.