I called Samsung about an issue when I selected Hot water, I was getting no water and getting 4E error.
Unfortunately, the issue was forwarded to Elite Appliance. Elite Appliance technicians visited 3 times and change numerous parts over a 1.5 month period. I had to take 3 days off from work for this issue to be fixed.
Last visit, I told the technician that I was fed up and better fix it this time. The technician told me to use Extra Hot (which will use on-board heater) and you may get warm water for cold.
Technician didn't show me the fix, he walked away.
When I tested the machine, I was getting COLD water for all the water temperatures ( HOT, WARM, etc...)
Now, Elite Appliance is saying that the issue is fixed but there is no HOT water on my washing machine.
They also want to consider this as a new issue.
Samsung is useless, whenever I called they kept forwarding me to Elite Appliance. The issue is Elite Appliance.
Samsung customer service is horrible, in line with Elite Appliance.
AVOID Samsung products all together. You don't have an option on Elite when you are dealing through warranty, just be careful .