I had high hopes for LeafFilter Gutter Protection. The product seemed solid and the reviews online were positive. So I approached them and they set up a meeting with the sales rep.
The sales pitch was a little heavy-handed with him delivering lines like “You’re obviously a very intelligent person.” But fine. We came to an agreement. The filters would be installed and there would be a follow up inspection a week later to make sure the installation was done properly.
The installation seemed to go okay, although both the installers admitted that they were fairly new at the job which gave me a bit of concern. But no need to worry—I was promised a full inspection a week later.
So a week came and went. Then two. This is where things started to go steeply downhill. I called the head office in Ohio to follow up on the inspection that never took place. The phone rang *twenty* times before anyone picked up. I explained the situation (the inspection was a week overdue) and they told me that the Toronto office manager would telephone me to work things out. He never bothered.
After a few days I called the sales rep that I met with. He told me that he would come over later in the day and do the inspection himself even though, he told me, he wasn’t really qualified. A couple of hours later the phone rang and it was the sales rep asking me if I had a two story ladder he could use. Well, no. You work for an eaves trough company, not me. He said that he didn’t have a ladder, but that someone would come out to do the inspection before the end of the week.
That was a week ago. It’s just a couple of days shy of a month since the eaves filters were installed. No promised inspection, no follow up, no return phone call from the Toronto office manager. Nothing.
Are the LeafFilter gutter filters a good product? I hope so. How would I know? Were they installed properly? I have no idea. I guess time will tell.
Bottom line: would I recommend LeafFilter Gutter Protection? Absolutely 100% not. I’m completely amazed at the terrible customer service. Just about the worst I’ve ever seen. Here’s the truth of the matter: once LeafFilter cashes your cheque they want nothing to do with you. They don’t follow up on their promises, they don’t return your phone calls and they don’t show any interest in earning your loyalty as a customer. I would absolutely avoid LeafFilter Gutter Protection. Here’s hoping I don’t have any problems with the filters. Despite their iron-clad guarantee (yeah, right), there’s zero chance that they would actually keep their word.