Seal It Group

Formerly Seal It Property Services
Landscape Contractors & Designers
Milton ON L9T 5E1
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HomeStars  >  Paving Contractors in Georgetown  >  Seal It Group  >  Driveway sealer
1 review Oakville, ON

Driveway sealer

Best driveway work I’ve ever had. He was careful not to get sealer anywhere except the driveway. I’ve had other companies get it on the sidewalk and garage doors. Good price. Highly recommend. Can’t remember the price so I just wrote $100 :)

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Company Response

Thank you Lynne! it was a pleasure working with you and we are happy that you are satisfied with the quality of our work! Doing a clean, neat job is one of our top priorities, and we are glad we were able to fulfill that promise to you.
