So this happened about a year ago, I had a mainline back up, called EZ plumbing, ended up getting "ABC" plumbing and the guy did such a hack job while swearing away in his language. So we find the access point for the main line, he ended up cutting 4ft out of my wall behind the toilet, cut the pipe as the plug was against a stud, put on two rubber joiners with clamps, put everything back together aside from the wall, yes including the toilet which needed to be removed AFTER THE FACT to repair the wall. I haven't been in the basement since, well, to my surprise as I'm about to set up the adjoining room, I see the floor is water damaged. So because of how long ago this was, all the showers, toilet flushes, sinks running for the past year, all that water had leaked behind the wall in to the adjoining room destroying my floor, all because HE DIDNT MAKE SURE THE BOTTOM CLAMP WAS ACTUALLY ON THE JOINER. It was a 20 minute fix for me, but now I have to replace $400 worth of flooring after trusting that the ridiculous $1200 price tag I paid meant it was fixed properly. I will rent the tools and fix it myself before ever calling this company again.